Wednesday 3 August 2016

Friends That Are Not Mine by Queenkemz

*Friends That Are Not Mine*

Lonely the sky feels,
Brightly the sun is,
Yet it feels so lonely,
As vast as an ocean can be,
Yet it feels so lonely.
Oh what a fate!
To be surrounded with packs of people,
You call friends,
But yet they are friends,
That are not mine.

As warm a night might feel;
It feels so lonely,
As wonderful a home might be,
It feels so lonely,
As endearing it is to live,
Yet it still feels so lonely,
it is wonderful to be around them,
Yet it feels so lonely;
Because they are Friends,
That are not Mine.

Tell me,
Is it so wrong
To feel possessive ?
Is it a crime to desire companions?
Oh what a fate it is,
To have lot of people to call friends!
 Friends that are not Mine!

Yeah right!
Something really must be wrong with me!
Just as silly as it feels,
I must be too weak to accommodate trust,
Or does my face frighten them?
What on earth did I do so wrong?
Why do they leave at one point?
Oh damn! I feel so lonely!
Tears streamed down my pallid face,
How emotional it is,
To be so emotional,
What wrong have I done
To have them surround me?
These friends that are not Mine!

I claim them,
They don't claim me,
I want them,
They don't want me;
I miss them,
They don't even remember me!

Or do I attach myself to them too much
That it drives them away?
Just how wonderful it would be,
To have Friends that are mine,
Too much pain withheld!
Too many secrets within!
How great it would be,
To have a confidant,
To suppress these insecure feelings of Mine;
To have a pillar of support,
But yet I guess there won't be,
Would there? Not yet,
Because I have Friends that are not Mine!

👸  *Queenkemz says* ✍
     Yes, it might be a good thing to have friends, even if it's just one that makes a difference. But if none sees the need to be friends with you, don't feel shut out of the world and don't be bereaved with pain, because when you do, they Win. The only way to feel actually secure is to trust no one except yourself. Life might be such a pain without a friend to call yours but they truly might not be yours; let them go if they want to go. It is not worth it, to be so hung up on feelings that shouldn't last up to a second. Live your life being a confidant to yourself, don't let them get to you, prove your worth to them and they will wish they had not made your emotional innocent self cry. Actualise your goals first and you will see how friends will flock around you. Be careful of the type of words you regard yourself as; You are what you say you are. Wipe your tears now, you need not worry. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, you don't need pack of friends to prove that. God is enough to be your pillar of support, Your confidant, even a solution to what seems like a problem to you. Just seek him, he never fails!👍.

  *Anticipate Queenkemz Series*

Ogunleye Abiola Oluwakemi
© *3 in 1 writer Queenkemz*

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