Wednesday 13 July 2016

Our Worth

Our Worth

The voluminous die-hard-work
The female goes through 
I can't bear it I would say 
Is it that softest heart
That falls in love,
When frail, shatters like glass 
Or is it that love of money
That buys their selfish pride
Oh those material things
Just isn't enough!
Is it the  payback time
That will be paid back?
Oh please!
Sound a wake up call!
It's high time we knew our worth!
Who are the embodiments of the world?
Simply women, Don't you think?
They have to selflessly bear another entity's name
Oh no!
Their body isn't theirs anymore!
Those trying times!
The joy of motherhood!
The sleepless nights!
The tiring days!
They truly are a unique being 
I do really salute them 
But please sound a wake up call 
We do have to know our worth 

  Life must be funny really
To think that all this
Might be for nothing 
The crawler was fed 
Nurtured, Grown to age
And the youthful exuberance
Makes few
Or is it some 
who forget their source 
While some are truly the mirror 
Of the refection of their source 
What happens to those words fed to them?
Are they forgotten?
What happens to those sleepless night of talk?
Are they for nothing?
Some brings tears to their
The good child is for the father
So they say
The bad one is for the mother
So they claim 
All this comes down to women
To either make or mar a child 
Let a wake up call be sound 
Please, we have to know our worth
Who cares what the world says
I own my pride
I selfishly protect it
Call me stingy 
It's my business not yours
Who needs those trousers
To promise me the world 
Though I must confess
It's not easy but it's mine
And it's mine alone to protect 
I really can't be duped of it
Those lying tongues of theirs
Works their trick on some
Not me, says a pure girl 
It's a good thing
That should be imbibed by all
But tell them this
Trust me
You will blame yourself for it
Oh wait!
Some thing tells me
It's not all 
Just sound a wake up call
And they will know their worth 

 Let those at home tell the farmer
Let the farmer know 
And tell the traveller
Just at least make sure it all goes round to all ladies
In the world
That beauty is not in the eyes of the beholder anymore
It's in you
You are who you say you are
I will say;
Don't be deceived 
Sound a wake up call
And surely they will know their worth 

 I blame not
The prodigal girl 
That wanders 
Just tell her it time to go back home 
It's getting too late
The materialistic woorld we are in now is all but nothing 
We are not some dumped tissue 
Used and forgotten 
Nor are we a used cloth 
Turned to rag
We matter for those that know our worth 
And for those that do not
A second is too much
To spend with them
Our worth can't be compared with Silver or Gold
Nor with Jade and Platinum combined 
We are Unique !
We are Special !
We are Exceptional!
And we are to be handled with Care
And trust me
We can be quite a Catch
If and only if
You know our Worth

I  have sounded a wake up call 
It's high time we knew 
Our worth 

Ogunleye Abiola Oluwakemi 
©3 in 1 writer Queenkemz

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