Thursday 25 August 2016

My Fear

Queenkemz Poem *My fear*

  May that day not come
It mustn't exist
The one that will mark me a complete loser
And make all my effort yield nothing
I work so hard
I can't get slapped in the face
And shed tears of blood in return

  Oh no
I just can't
I won't be able to bare it
To work this hard to attain a greater cause
And fall a victim
My conscience won't let me
My dreams won't permit me

  "My greatest fear"
Is not dyeing unfulfilled
"My greatest fear"
Is trying so hard to be fulfilled
And seeing it yield nothing
"My fear"
Is working so hard
Not sleeping
Burning those midnight candle
For nothing
"My fear"
Is Not being acknowledge a VICTORY
Don't blame me
Am just too scared
To believe in my self
Too timid to fight for what I believe in

  Is it a curse?
No it shouldn't be
But how else
Does it seems as if my problem has no cure
How else
Do I care so much about what you think of me
Don't allow me go down this drain
Don't let "My fear" be my Ruin
Please don't
I aspire to be a Victory
But it seems as if am the Victim already

👸 *Queenkemz says* ✍

    Am really sorry to write to you like this but *Get a grip of yourself*, you know what the problem is already, rather than enslave yourself to fear, why not face it, I once read this some where *that the greatest risk a man can take is not taking any risk at all* who cares what the consequences will be, though public opinion matters a lot but that doesn't mean it is right, because someone might badmouth you shouldn't give you the right to give up on yourself, I always say *that you are only a victim if you do not make an attempt to victory*  before your pessimistic self truly become your ruin, you need to stand up for yourself, every successful person in this world as a reason to be successful, all you need is a reason, that will make up your strength, even if you fail a thousand times, never stop trying.
A greater cause you say-🤔
Queenkemz quote-  *it's not a greater cause if it's not worth fighting for*

Queenkemz Note- *whatever you choose to do, will be your Fruit to bare, ensure you choose what will be yours to gain*


Instagram- @Queenkemz25
Twitter- @Queenkemz
Facebook- Ogunleye Abiola Oluwakemi
© *3 in 1 writer Queenkemz*

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