Sunday 3 January 2016

Episode 2 Of Three Beautiful flower

Episode 2 of Three beautiful Flower🌷🌹🌻
  "You that you are just a nobody, a child of no background, all you do is live a fake life, and pretend to live a perfect one, acting like you are the only claimed believer in this world, your parent should be ashamed of you, cause either you are born by mistake or it runs in your blood😱 " all this statement didn't hurt Rebekah, except the part that she included her parent, she raised up her hand and gave her a dirty slap😡, she was about to give her another one, when Stella gave her a slap of her own, the two girls started fighting and amidst this, they exchanged hurtful words to each other, Esther, was dumbfounded, she tried and tried to stop them, but she wasn't strong enough, she was about to run out and get help, when a knock sounded on their door, She hurriedly opened the door, hoping that whoever behind the door, would be strong enough to stop her friends, even her friends stop their fight for a bit, they couldn't stand to be embarrassed in front of whoever is behind their door, they gave each other a bad stare, and kept hissing at each other but when Esther opens the door, it was .........😳

Anticipate Episode 3 of Three beautiful Flower🌹🌷🌻
By Fiction and Non Fiction Writer- Queenkemz😊

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