Sunday 3 January 2016

Episode 3 of Three beautiful flower

Episode 3 of Three Beautiful Flower🌷🌹🌻

  Shocking and Unbelievable, " she taught" how on earth did Francis know her house, she stared at him in shock, feeling bewildered, Stella invited him in, that was when she realised, that Stella, must have told him, but how on earth did he know Stella, she has never introduced both of them to each other, she turned away from the door, she forgot all about Stella and Rebekah's fight, and asked Francis, what the hell he was doing there, and because she couldn't keep the curious part of her in check, she kept asking him questions upon question, but the Face reading she posses, saw the disgust in his look, he saw the way he ignored her and she was sure, he could have beaten her up, but instead. The shocking event couldn't get more shocker, she starred in shock as Francis grabbed her friend and right before her eyes, he saw him k***ing her and before the turn of event could get more .....

 Anticipate Episode 4 of Three beautiful Flower..
By 3 in 1. Fiction and Non Fiction writer Queenkemz.

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