Sunday 3 January 2016

Epsode 1 of Three beautiful flower

Three beautiful Flower

  Esther rushed back home. Feeling excited and guilty, on getting home, she met her room mate Stella, and she couldn't wait to update her on what happened between her and Francis, she said " Guess what? I know it is not right but i did, I felt it, that romantic feeling that made u moan, that sensuous feeling that makes you long for more. I felt it, that will, that urge, that desire, I know it is not right, but for the first time I felt it, and it was extremely sad, I couldn't reach the peak of it, I wanted it very bad, to reach that peak, that climax, that I have longed for
   Since all this while, I wanted so much to open myself up to him, but I didn't, I couldn't, you know how I feel about sex before marriage right? Am feeling bad, right now though" All Stella did was smile in amusement, she wasn't surprised, but she couldn't get the reason why she is hung up in this, no sex until marriage thing, she told her, to better smart up or else ...., before she could complete her statement their third best friend, entered without knocking, and told them she heard everything they said, she told her friend not to listen to Stella, that her decision is good. Except she won't achieve it, if she continues to date Francis, she added "No guy is ready, to wait for that long, and we are all just in 100 level, all Stella did was hiss and confronted Rebekah, and said "wait, don't you also have a boyfriend, the only difference is that, he is in another university different from ours" Rebekah said " wait, when did I ever tell you that I have a boyfriend, the guy you called my boyfriend is just my best friend, not everyone will be like you" Stella got angry at that statement, she stood up, and confronted her, they started exchanging words " what do you mean by not everyone will be like me. Can't believe that you are also talking ,  you that you are just a....

Anticipate episode 2 of Three beautiful flower
 Fiction and non fiction writer- 3 in 1 Queenkemz

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