Tuesday 12 January 2016

Episode 2 - AM I RIGHT OR WRONG?

Am I right or wrong

  I know what you all are thinking, but your thought was wrong, not exactly wrong but not in the way you thought, when we resumed to two hundred level, I realised that he no longer attends my school again, his course require him to go to one of the school built by my school that centralise in his course but not the same state, am not sure you understand that explanation, but the point here is, he does not attend the same school with me. I was baffled, I thought that will be the end of us, I thought have been jilted of my body in vain, my thought wasn't wrong, he did leave me, he used me for his time in school and left me when his time was due, this bothered me a lot, I tried to  forget about it, but i couldn't, so i made a decision, I decided to make those guys pay. It was payback time for me, I used most of my allowance to get lovely cloth that will impress the lot of them, I need to have them at my finger tips, cause I was betrayed for love and an adage says. "Once bitten, twice shy''. I became the big girl in campus, guys gathered around me, but I didn't fall for them. They tried and tried to woe me, but I didn't look their side, I became really proud. they deserve it, don't u think? But it was starting to get boring, another adage says that, ''if one close eyes for the devil to pass, who knows when the Angel will pass'', so I made a decision, it was a tough one, a really really tough one ...

Anticipate Episode 3 of Am I right or wrong- Tomorrow night😄

 From your 3 in1 amazing writer Queenkemz ( O.A)

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