Tuesday 12 January 2016

Episode 3 - AM I RIGHT OR WTONG?

Am I right or wrong😔

   I know most of you must have thought and ask your self, what exactly was the other decision I made, well it was simple, I decided not to ignore those guys again, I wanted to date the ones that seems good among them, and put them to test. the one thing about me Alison is, I actually don't leave any decision on attended to, so I acted, I dated three different guys from different faculty, that am sure they actually do love me, it was fun, I played and toyed with their feelings, but for me to fulfil all righteousness, I gave them what they lust for, this was getting interesting, and this was the exact pay back they deserve, I wasn't bored and I have them all wrapped around my fingers, I tried not to fall in love with any but I was more attach to the innocent one out of the three, probably because this one was in the same faculty and department with me, we go to school and home together, well to be exact, we became couple, I sleep at his house most times, and am sure you know the routine that comes with that.  Doing all this was were I think that, I made a mistake. Well I didn't know that until I resume three hundred level😱.....

Anticipate Episode 4 of- Am I right or Wrong

From the 3 in 1 writer Queenkemz (O.A)

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