Sunday 1 November 2015


You think I don't know
Mercy hugged Julian, but he wasn't happy with her, the stunned mercy, asked him what happened? And Julian said, You think I don't know?, as in, you actually think I don't know. That, you abandoned me, cause of my blind sight, you think I don't know, that am nothing to you, have loved you, from the beginning, I got blind because of you, and you abandoned me, the exact time, I needed you the most;
  You think I don't know that you have a new boyfriend in school, my sister told me everything, do you know how much have cried, how much I long for the day, to hold you in my arms, to share vow and make eternal oath with you, but you ruined everything, I don't even have an idea, of why you are here, or were you told? That my blind sight has seen light, and you actually thought you can reconcile with me? Well, Don't even think about it, cause you only reap were you sow and I don't remember you sowing anything into my life
  Mercy. Couldn't control her shock, she was bewildered, and she tried to control her tears, but they wouldn't stop dropping, she thought, she has conquered, but the real battle has just begun, she knelt down, pleading for forgiveness, telling him, that she loves him. But he won't listen, he told her to get out of his house and that he doesn't want to see her again.
  Mercy cried, great uncontrollable tears, I love you, she exclaimed, have loved you from the begining, infact, i love you, before you love me, but i couldn't, i know i should have admited it then, but i couldn't, do you know how much it hurt me, when i learn't that you've travelled, do you know how much i cried, i couldn't even eat, i felt like dieing, i love you sooo much  that it hurt me to deny you, i put up brave face, but my heart was shattered, i admit, i left you cause of your blind sight, but it is not that, i can't accept you, with it, i was scared of what the world will think, of what my dad will think about it  but am back now Julian, you have every right to be angry, but please; please forgive me, you know ....
   I won't, infact i can't forgive you, and if you don't want me to release the dog for you, get out of my house now; mercy cried to the extent that her chocolate colour face becomes red, her cloth soak in sweat, and as if that was not enough, the rain started falling, yet, julian didnt have compassion for her, mercy left amidst tears, she couldnt even see the road again, when she got outside julians gate, she was hit by a car, julian, who felt, he was too harsh on her and he decides to call her back, got to the gate, and he felt like going crazy, seeing mercy on the floor, the car that hit mercy, make a run for it and julian kept shouting her name, but .....

      seems the so claimed final episode, isn't final again, please forgive me, it is julians fault, and mercy though,
am scared much for her, hope she won't die, or become crippled, lame, or blind like julian was, since she cried so much, hmmmm even i myself don't know Guess Episode 9 might answer that for us


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