Monday 2 November 2015



By:Awojobi Martins

It is quite obvious and unfortunate that politics in this 21st century is no more what it has been in the past, during the period of our colonial masters, when we were under their rule, politics was played right and fine, politics- a system through which democratic position can be assumed, has been in existence for several centuries, and it has been a major and significant way in which the citizenry expresses their strong and mighty right in voting for the people of their interest in order to govern them in a way that is well suitable for them, though the politics of then was only done by those that possessed the best and had great minds to serve the dying masses and were ready to serve as voice for the voiceless.
What is spectacular about the politics of those days was that those that lost in the election, it was not that they didn’t have the expected quality to serve the masses but the qualities the citizenry expected of them was not yet there. A very good and conspicuous examples of those people are; Francis Lieber, John W. Burgess ,Kennedys( the American royal family between 1947 to 2011), the great Abraham Lincoln, Cicero, Nelson Mandela, Herbert Macaulay, Nnamdi Azikwe, Chief Obafemi Awolowo and lots of great minds who had the passion ,motive and mission to serve the masses.
The scenario in this 21st century of ours and what I describe as POLIFOOL, is a medium and analytical way through which the FOOL FOOLS THE FOOL in a miraculous way in the market register of economy, market and sell your votes which is the major and mighty power we have to choose the right choice to the right place.

Without mincing words and without any iota of distrust, what politics has been in the past will be comparatively discussed here;
THE LAST RESORT OF THE MASSES; it is reasonably distinct and realistic that politics has been the last  resort of the masses right from initiation, it serves as a  way in which the citizens express their predicaments and they get solutions to it. Through this, the motives of the people are being known.
SOURCE OF DEVELOPMENT; Politics to be precise has been the sources of development which we are proud of for developed countries from inception, this has really helped American, European and Asian countries, they made use of politics in a way that it ought to be.
TALENT DETECTION; in any form it may be, every individual has a specific talent that is incomparable with any other talents, through politics, talents that are useful are detected, talents that can administer, execute and legislate policies in a very fabulous way are detected and this has fervently taken politics to where it is in developed countries.
VOICE FOR THE VOICELESS; whether for good or for bad, politics has been the voice of the people right from it’s beginning, it eventually serves as a medium through which the voiceless set of the people get their voice heard in all ramification of life.

It is obvious and disgraceful that despite the lesson learnt from great men of politics, colonial masters, Nigerians and Africans in general has turned politics to a do or die affair which was not so when the baton was handed over to us. Under this series of what politics is, now will be expatiated.
TERRORISM; a lot of countries which are battling with terrorism eventually caused it by their own misdeed in politics, through the bias politics we are running in this segment of the continent, numerous things have been devastated, series of lives have been wasted and uncountable natural resources have been the thing of the grave through our politics without conscience. But we all blame it on nepotism, tribalism and religious crises.
SOURCES OF MIRACLE; sentiments apart, numerous people who run into politics in this 21st century mainly go into it for miracles to happen in their ministry, the miracle I’m talking about here is not spiritual miracles or any other miracles but financial miracle. During this era of life highly populated people who found themselves in politics only get into it due to the financial or employment predicaments they are battling with which is their major objective of going into politics, they have no mind either to serve or protect the citizens their prominent aim is to get riches in miraculous way.
BUSINESS DEAL; it is discouraging and unfortunate that politics in this present  hour has been labeled with powerful business sector, it serves as business organization in the sense that  several constituencies, states and local government are being sold to different people in different parties with the sole aim of winning the election on their behalf either by hook or by crook. It eventually serves as means in which the downtrodden citizens sell their supreme rights for little penny and immediate needs but later resulting to misery for them. POLIFOOL
POPULARITY SEEK’; it is not surprising that most of the people that run to politics only go there for their names to be known all over the country, they have nothing to offer the nation, they possess no motive, passion and mission to serve the dying masses in the country, they only go there for their own aim of getting known and sharing the well known NATIONAL CAKE.
Wrestling and boxing stadium; wrestling and boxing this 21st century is not only for the trained and professional wrestlers or boxers but also for our talented politicians who have the talent of boxing and wrestling even more that the trained boxers but they hide under the canopy of politics. The politicians of this era are endowed wrestlers and boxers but they hid their talents unknown to the masses.
“Until knowledge is understood in human and political terms as something to be won to the           service of coexistence and community, not of particular races, nations, or religions, the future augurs badly”

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