Tuesday 27 October 2015

We meet at last. Episode3 of Glass mask

We meet at last
   She shouted, at the top of her voice, but he didn't hear her, he didn't hear her shout, she decided to run, when she did, and met him, she was so happy, that, she hugged him😃, with a smile on her face, but then she realised, Julian isn't the Julian she knows again😔
   He can't see her😳, her Julian can't see her😢, they finally met, but her Julian can't see her😭, the lady beside him, wasn't his girlfriend, but his mother. They both came to pick Julian's sister. The eyes that held so much love for her, is nowhere to be found, they say, eyes a times talk, but this one isn't, they say, eyes a times shows affection; but this one isn't, it shows nothing, her Julian can't see😭
  She introduced herself to the mother, and to Julian, but he started crying, he wept😭, for the lost love between the two of them, he wept, because, of the accident he had, when he decided to pay mercy a visit in Nigeria, after he finished his university, but faith didn't let him get to the, Airport before the cab, he was in; had break failure, and he lost his eyes,  He wept because, he couldn't see her beautiful face again 😭, he wept because. He can't see her , smile again, he wept because, he has no idea, if there's still hope for them and he wept because, she weeps for him😭😭😭.
   The confused mercy, was totally dumbfounded and totally confused, can she accept the present Julian. She thought aloud. My God, please, what should I do?

       Do you want to know, what she did,  then. Watch out for.
         Part four-  Can love be      UNCONDITIONAL?
   By, Fictional writer- 3 in 1. Queenkemz. O.A

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