Tuesday 27 October 2015

Can love be unconditional. episode4 of Glass Mask

Can love be Unconditional?
  Yes. My God. Please what should I do. Am lost in thought. My dad will be disappointed, if I bring the present blind Julian home, to be my husband.
  Do I even still love him, is my love for him Unconditional, well, I still don't know though there has to be a solution to this. I lost him once. I don't think I can afford to do that again.
  But? Even if I Love him, unconditionally, hope I won't become, the husband of the house, if we get to marry cause am sure, he won't be much capable, and I don't think am ready for that kind of commitment yet.
  Well, there's still time, though, I have final year exam to do, but, my dad said, I have to bring home, a man, though, am sure, he will be expecting a handsome rich Swedish man, not some blind guy, that it is not certain, if his certificate will get him a suitable job but😔 I love him though, if we get married, it will be, a for better for worse kind of thing. Am I even ready for that kind of commitment, especially, now that he is ...
  Oh No. Please, am sooooo confuse, How great is the Love I have, from me to him?😟

             Part 5- Love from Me to You
    By fictional writer- 3 in 1
Queenkemz. O.A

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