Tuesday 27 October 2015

Love from me to you. episode 5 Of Glass mask

Love From Me To You
   She had no choice, but to leave Julian to his faith, she couldn't let the love she has for him. get in the way of the love she has for her Father, she didn't want to disappoint her dad, cause she respect him a lot .
   Mercy abandoned Julian, she didn't even pay her last respect and at least, be a good friend to him, in his time of need, but she cried always, cause faith has dealt with her harshly.
   She loves her dad and respect him so much, but still,  she forget that her father, is not the one. that will marry her husband for her, but because she wants to please her dad, she abandoned her first love.
   Mercy has always live in her fathers shadow, all her life. now that, she wants to choose her soul mate, she will abandon the blind Julian, to choose a more suitable man, that her father, will be impressed with.
   Seems love for her isn't unconditional after all. the two of them individually, does not know what faith, has in store for them.

        am sure you are curious? you want to know, their faith. will mercy regret her decision, will Julian SEE at last? it is simple. all you need to do is -

         Watch out for- Part 6-
   A chance lost, Might never be regain


  Fictional Writer- 3 IN 1 QUEENKEMZ (O.A)

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