Tuesday 27 October 2015

Behind the close door

Behind the close door
  Curious am I
When the door is close
  What exactly is the secret behind the close door?
    Lot of destiny
Lot of glory
Lot of ladies
Has been jilted, use and abandon
Behind the close door
   That same close door,
A person finds comfort to read
   That same door
A person finds comfort to think
 That same close door
A person finds comfort to sleep
  Lots and lots of things
Happens behind the close door
  I caught a sight of a lady and a man
Entering and closing the door
The curious me
Wanted to find out
What it is
That will happen
Behind their close door
  Scared and timid
I was
The courage to knock
I do not have
 But still curious
What is happening behind their close door
   When I finally
Have the strength
I brace up myself
And knock
Once, twice, thrice
No response
When I finally decided to turn back
I heard
The click of the door
The close door finally opened
Guess what I saw
The lady bathed in sweat of tears
That only finds comfort
In the cover cloth
Wrapped on her body
The man with charm in hand
Huge man at that
I was scared and confused
Hope I haven't gotten curious and cause trouble for my self
The lady behind my back
Shivering and confused
I thought
You found comfort at my back
But I find comfort in my hand
That was when I remembered
The forgetful me
Was with a sword at hand
I held the bible at my finger tips
I raised it up
With believe
With faith
And guess what
I didn't have to talk for the man to run
   Later, I was thanked
By the lady
She said
Thank you
I prayed for a saviour
And here you are
  I told her
Jesus is the overall saviour.
  What exactly
 is the secret
of knowing
What happens
Behind the close door
With this, rapist and destiny stealer and destiny changer will be stopped

       Fictional poem by 3 in 1 QUEENKEMZ (O.A)
Her destiny wanted to be taken from her Under her own roof, She thought All the guy wanted Was her body But he happen to want much more. Lots of people has lost their destiny, their glory and their pride for a ten minute enjoyment. Don't be deceived. An adage says. Oju lari a o rinu. That is, it is the eyes that we see, no one knows what goes on in the mind. Be careful and mindful. Watch and pray๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

      Story version of "Behind the  close door" watch out

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