Tuesday 27 October 2015

The Glass Mask. Part 1

     Mercy is a beautiful girl. That lives all her life pleasing others, she gets hurt when they hurt her feelings and she tries her possible best not to hurt theirs. All her life. She yearned 2 meet that one guy that will make the love she always imagined and yearn for, come true.
   A new guy got enrolled in her school, very handsome one at that, he got the attention of all the girls even  mercy herself was head over heels in love with him.
    And this new guy was in love with her to, his name is Julian. He tried and tried and tried 2 woe her. But to no avail.
    Mercy decided to be difficult, little did she no, that a chance lost, might never be regain. She loves this guy, as much as he loved her, but she never expressed it. She put on a glass mask to conceal her feelings. Thinking that her one true love is not him. She believes love can only be shared when she finish secondary school and university. Little did she know that the mask is only a glass, it can shatter anytime.
   Julian was baffled, really baffled, he loves this girl so much. He was ready to do her biding. But she won't let him. He got an emergency call from his parent, to travel to New York the next morning. He was deeply sad and depressed, that he couldn't get a chance with his love at first sight. To bid her farewell.
   For a week that mercy has been attending school, Julian has not been around, she was baffled and deeply concerned. But there was no way for her to find out about him. When the news of him finally came, she realised Julian has gone to meet his parent in New York and there was no way of knowing when he will be back.
   The glass mask that conceal her feelings got shattered, she wept and wept and wept. She thought aloud. Julian Julian, please come back to me, I love you, like I really do. I was only waiting for the right moment.

        A  Story by QueenKemz (Love is like water) part2 of the glass mask
Watch out. Message me. Only if you are eager for it.๐Ÿ‘

Yes, there's a right moment, but when is the right moment? And how do you know your right moment.? There's no right moment, only right time. Julian wouldn't have left if she had agreed.
 Don't waste time waiting for the right moment. The time is now. Had I know is a painful word. Don't help them to say it. If u have feelings for someone. The time to confess it is now. You have Hatred for someone. Work out your differences. Love has no definite age. Don't let that good girl go. Or that good boy go. Don't let your priority get the best of you. Even an adage says. When you close your eyes for an angel to pass. You don't know when you will be left with the devil. MAKE THAT DECISION NOW. "WATCH AND PRAY"๐Ÿ˜ƒ.๐Ÿ˜ƒ.  

        "Had I know" is also a story by Queenkemz. Which 1 do u want 1st..  LOVE IS LIKE WATER or HAD I KNOW."
     Anticipate lot of motivational, poem and story writing by queenkemz.. Kindly re broadcast... OGUNLEYE ABIOLA.

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