Tuesday 27 October 2015

My dad

  I have the best dad
In the world
Am not proud
Just glad
   What would have happen
If am not the daughter Of my Father
Cause there's no other perfect father like
My dad.
   He cared for me
But I care for him more
Other children
Will say,
Their best parent is their mum
But I remember;
A time
When mine was
My dad
  But now.
The two are the best of the best
An adage says
A farmers claims his farm is the best when he hasn't seen others own
I disagree
I don't need to see how others treat their kids
To know,
How best
My dad is
I pray always
Not to just impress myself
But also you
   My Dad;
Death has nothing
To do with you, yet
Cause you will reap the fruit of your labour;
In a good way and a new dimension.
    I look up to you dad;
I believe,
My Dad
Isn't looking down on me?
 The best of the best is My dad.
  To all dad and mum in the world. You are sowing a seed in our life. By Gods grace. You will live to reap the fruit of your labour. Cause you both have been our helper and guidance in this journey. We won't disappoint you. Respect🙋 to my PARENT. I WON'T DISAPPOINT YOU.👏👪. Lots of love

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