Saturday 31 October 2015

How I Wish

How I Wish

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By: Ogunleye Abiola

How i wish

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By: Ogunleye Abiola


How i wish
   she couldn't tell Ezekiel, Yes to his proposal, that word was too big, for her to say, that was when she knew, what the right thing for her to do is, She stood up, with tears in her eyes, told Ezekiel No and ran, until she got outside of the school, when she got a cab, she told the cab driver to take her to where Julian resides in Sweden, when she got there, she didn't see him, and there was no one to tell her, where he might be. She went back home, with regret.
  Ezekiel, was short of words, and totally embarrassed, his friends laughed at him, and told him, "we told you so"; the one thing Ezekiel hate is failure, so he wished, he hasn't pretended to love her at first, that was when he realised, though he intend to pretend, he actually loves her, and now, he has lose her.
   How i wish, she thought; How i wish i can just know where my Julian might be? am finally here Julian, please am here, come back to me, my Julian. I LOVE YOU so much, it took me so long to realise that, I don't care about what my Dad's opinion about you will be, i will accept you for who you are, I just wish, i know where you are right now, or to even have a clue of where you, might be.
   She went back to his place, the next day, and still, no one was home, even his mum and sis, were no where to be found, she was scared, greatly baffled and seriously concerned, thinking that some thing might be wrong, with her Julian.
   The third day, when she got there, and saw that, it was the same thing, she gave up, all her hope was lost and she decided to turn back  but when she did, she saw him, she saw her beloved, walking towards her, he didn't need any help, he can see,  at last, her Julian can see. She ran, with smile on her face, she has conquered faith. Overcome slippery conception,and when she got to him, she hugged him with so much love, But .....

  Anticipate The  Final Episode - You Think I don't know?
By Fiction and Non-Fiction writer
Queenkemz (O.A) Ogunleye Abiola

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