Saturday 31 October 2015

The Irony of Life

He wakes up under the bridge and finds nothing to keep him busy than begging for alms
He prays to God to make the day a better day
He walks around thinking about his past and present---- No difference
He knows the best food vendor in the whole country
He knows the best shoe to wear
He knows the best hotel to lodge in
He knows the best sketch of house to build
The poor man is full of view and dreams
He knows the hottest car in town
He know the best school to send his kids to
He knows the best business to launch
The poor man has been known for his dilapidated clothes
The poor man know the best and quickest route to wealth
He never had infatuation for evil conduct
He is optimistic in God
He know there can be a new dawn
He toil to make a better day by kneeling and begging for alms
He know the most stunning gate in the world
He has the list of rich people in the state
He begs for help but all to no avail
He question God for creating him
He curse his dead parent for giving birth to him
He disregard about the future
He thinks of his significance on earth
The subjugated in the society are of relevance
They seek the face of God for those that make them happy
They are ready to go extra mile for those that desiccated their tears
The poor man is homeless but hopeful
You have but you are not ready to lease out
You know his predicament but you are not ready to help
You know of his potentials but you are not ready to establish him
The important fragments of the globe like you are freezing and you are enjoying
The necessary parts of your country are helpless and you are rejoicing
What ironic life it is
Carriers of your burdens sleep on cardboard while you slumber in the warmth of your beds
No one cares for the life of the downtrodden but many cares about yours
No one is there to share his problem with, but you have millions of special advisers
The poor man is homeless not hopeless
There can be a turnaround!!!!!!!…….
“Help those who are in the lower half because may be in the next turn you will need their help”

Awojobi martins

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