Sunday 8 November 2015

You Are, Yes You are


You are a blessing to my soul
A gift to my life
A watchword to my dream
A light to my vision
You are all I owe
You are all I want
You are, yes you are
Though I met you
When nothing was known to me
But you made many things known to me
Though I met you
In a very funny way
But you never remove your fun from my life
You may not know
How much I care for you
You may not know
So many things you are to me
But you are, yes you are
What others are not
You lift me up
When others draw me down
You stay behind me
When others departed
You encourage me
When others chasten and discourage me
You fill my heart with joy
When world seems
To be a sorrowful planet to me
There is no gainsaying in it
If I refer to you as my world
You show it to me
What others can’t
You taught me
What other refuses
You are, yes you are
The angel of my life
The shepherd of my lamb
What you are to me
No one is that to me
You wipe away my sorrow
With your uncommon smile
How I wish
My wish is same with yours
To take you to the alter
In the presence of all
As the bone of my bone
The flesh of my flesh
The only moon in my sky
You are, yes you are
What others are not
Who is she?
No one!
But if there is, I will call her my one and only property.

Dedicated to my unseen and unknown future partner.

Written by; Awojobi Martins Kayode.

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