Thursday 5 November 2015

God please Have mercy. Episode 9 Of Glass mask series

God please have Mercy. Episode 9 of Glass Mask series

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By: Ogunleye Abiola

God Please Have Mercy
  Mercy was rushed to the hospital, and she is still not conscious yet, when the doctor attended to her, he said her pulse is weak, and she is close to death, he said that, even if she regains consciousness, she might not be completely fit.
  Julian was troubled, his hearth filled with regret,  and contempt for himself. All he kept saying was. God I know am the cause of these, But please have Mercy, let her name reflect in her God. Let your Mercy be sufficient for her, if you can make this possible, I will forgive her, and I will serve you God, I didn't have faith in you, even when you gave sight to my blind eye, but God, I will surrender all and serve you. He couldn't control himself again. He knelt down in the hospital, crying like a baby, Nurses had to gather around and console him, to prevent him from disturbing other patient, one even said that, wow, if God can provide her, with a man that can be really bothered about her health like this, she will be glad; but only if she knew, how faith had dealt with them, she won't pray that kind of prayer.
   Julian did not know if he should tell mercy's dad or not, he was still contemplating, when mercy's heart beat went up. She was struggling to breath, Julian was baffled, he ran to get the doctor and when they came back, the doctor attended to her, he heard the most shocking news in his life, He couldn't stop tears from running down. The word replayed again. Am sorry. She is ......

Anticipate Episode 10- Faith is a bloody fickle thing

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