Wednesday 4 November 2015

Water In Nutrition

The Ambassadors Today
  Good day friends, happy to know you are doing great in your health, you can even improve your health a lot better by taking enough water daily. Healthy living is all about lifestyle and it is not easy to change your life style, except when you are forced due to serious medical attention; But why do you need to wait till you have serious medical complications before you put up a healthy lifestyle?
  Welcome to "THE AMBASSADORS TODAY" Today we will talk about ''Water in Nutrition" enjoy! Rest, Exercise and diet is in your daily healthy living, so is water drinking as lack of it may lead to Dehydration.
  Getting enough water everyday is important for your health. Healthy people meet their fluid needs by drinking when thirsty and drinking with meals. Most of your fluid needs are met through the water and beverages you drink. However, you can get some fluids through the foods that you eat. (Centre for disease control. CDC)
  Fact about water
- your body is about 60% of water
-your muscles are about 75% of water
- the brain is about 75% of water
-your blood is approximately 82% of water
-your bones are 25% of water
  An average human should take not less than 3ouns (4 litre) of water daily (10 sachet of water) especially in hurt seasons, in order to avoid dehydration. Please it must be noted that, you can survive without food for 40 days, but you may not survive without water for 3days, so when you are on fasting, please take water at intervals, in order to keep you hydrated
  Importance of water in the body
- Water keep your body hydrated
-Protect your spinal cord
-Water washes/flush out unwanted elements in your body through urine
- Water improves your health and aid easy blood flow
  Water is live, so to remain 'Alive' ( In health) we must take enough water, even though we don't feel like. However, we must also be conscious of the water we take, the water must be clean, as otherwise may result in cholera, typhoid etc. Also your react to water, which may cause you to feel sick when there is a change of water; for example, if you drink boiled water at home, but when you get to school, you drink ordinary tap water, it may take time for your body to adjust to this change. It is advisable you take clean sealed water or use water gourd.
  Thank you for reading this edition of "THE AMBASSADORS" Today. And thanks to all our readers who appreciate and have been blessed, one way or the other, through this article, may God keep us all in health. TAT is committed to improving your health free of charge. We also give health talk, and advice on nutrition for affordable Price. Your coach
Ogundele O David 08096008191

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