Thursday 12 November 2015

"The Ambassadors". Your health is our concern

The Ambassadors Today 12/11/2015.

Good day friends, I sincerely apologize to our Face Book readers of Ambassadors, the last pot couldn't not be uploads, due to network and other constraints.

In our last post we started a close look on the chronic disease called CANCER, from the research made the World Health Organization, that says, by the year 20/20 many Nigerians will be down with some chronic diseases, such Cancer, Diabetes, Obesity e.t.c in our previous post on diet, we have talked extensively of Diabetes and Obesity.

Today we'll be looking at "Lifestyle that is prone to Cancer"

1. Exposure to radiation e.g Radiation from Laptops, Phones ( especially browsing phones, keep your phone far at night) Machines ( e.g X-ray, Desktop Computer etc) and other gadgets may cause skin and/or prostrate cancer.
2. Frequent feeding on smoked or roasted road side food. E.g Suya( roasted red meat), smoked yam, smoked plantain ( Boil), smoked corn, fish or meat e.t.c
3. Environmental pollution and excessive deodorants. Staying in a polluted environment where there's burning of of dirt or exhaust from the generator, may put one in risk of cancer. Also, excessive use deodorants, such as perfumes, roll-on, body spray e.t.c may also increase the risk of lungs and skin cancer.
4.Excessive consumption of preservative intense and/or processed food/intake, such as Apple( this is the best fruit and vegetables you can take, but it comes with lots of preservatives, that's why it may be cancerous), Preserved meats and fishes (e.g so many cold room fish& meats are imported, with lots of preservatives cancerous to our body) and processed food such as Noodles, pasta, drinks e.t.c

  Thank you for reading, dont 4get health is wealth, change your lifestyle and stop cancer before it stops you.

Ogundele Opeyemi David
CEO DynaTch Concept
08096008191, 08117544604 or
Copyright © Ambassadors Today 2015.

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