Wednesday 11 November 2015

"The Ambassadors" Your health is our concern

The Ambassadors Today 9/11/15.

Good day friends, its quite a while right? Sincerely sorry for a 3day break in our publication, its due to examination demands, hope you understand sir/ma? Thanks!
What a date today is, did you notice 9/11, it rings a bell right? RIP to those that lost their lives in that baberic crash. God bless Africa, God bless America and other continents of the world!

In our last edition, we talked about the benefits of water in your daily healthy living.
Today, we 'll be looking closely at some various chronic disease that may be avoided if we change our life style and nutritional habit, based on the World Health Organization that states, by the year 2020, many Nigerians will be down with some chronic diseases e.g Diabetes Mellitus, Obesity, Cancer e.t.c Therefore, today we want to briefely look at "CANCER" and life style change to avoid it.

Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body.
Tobaco use is the cause of 22% of Cancer deaths (Research). Another 10% is due to Obesity, a poor diet, lack of physical activity, and consumption of alcohol. While other factors include certain infection, exposure to 'ionizing radiation, environmental pollutant e.g Hepatitis B and C, and genetic defects inherited from person's parent.

Cancer Preventions
Many Cancer can be prevented by;
-Not smoking,
- Maintaning a healthy weight,
- Not drinking too much alcohol
- Eating plenty Vegetables, fruits and Whole grains (e.g, Ofada rice, Soya milk/Beans and Wheat meal)
- Being vacinated against certain infecteous diseases
- Not eating too much processed red meat and
- Avoiding too much exposure to sunlight.
Stop Cancer befores it stops you! Thank you for reading today's post, in our next edition, we 'll be considering A more practical Life style thatis prone to Cancer. Until then choise you food carefully and conscioualy, dont use your money to kill yourself. Your coach,

Ogundele Opeyemi David.
CEO DynaTech Concept
Contact: 08096008191. Mail box:

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