Saturday 14 November 2015

Political development; Tribulations and solutions

Political development; Tribulations and solutions

Politics has been the major way in which the affair of a nation is being administered. Political authority as stated is the legal right an individual has to make decisions, laws and to enforce them on the people. It is incumbent on the citizen to obey such laws and decisions made. Politics has been for a long time an avenue for interested citizens under a party umbrella to come out and serve the masses of his or her nation.
Friedrich Nietzsche says and I quote; ‘it is not the strength, but the duration, of great sentiments that makes great men ‘. The great men of this nature are impeccable mentors and leaders like late M.K.O Abiola, late Dr Olabisi Onabanjo, late Chief Bola Ige, late Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Chief Anthony Enahoro to mention a few are leader with passion, mission and vision to serve the masses and bring out the best in them.
The aforestated quote made by Friedrich Nietzsche is ironical in our present day politics due to the fact that our political leaders only believe in their personal strength and party strength but they believe not in the duration of great sentiments that makes great men, thereby failing the masses where they suppose to reduce their predicaments.
Some months ago, the kingdom of the voters came and those that intended to contest for political offices moved around, promising their unachievable and impossibilities for the citizens of this country, they moved from village to village, shack to shack and from farm to farm, fooling the masses all around with their honey mouth just to cast their vote for them.

Political tribulations.
There are many predicaments facing this our great nation out of which few will be mentioned here;
QUEST FOR POWER; most of the occupants of our political offices are without motive, mission and sense of doing great things that will be remember even when there tenure has expire they only have the passion to get into power for popularity sake and also for their own selfish interest.
INSENSITIVE TO PUBLIC OPINION; another and most raging problem faced by politics in our nation is insensitive to the voice of the masses by our so called “Messiah of our time” they neglected the opinion of the citizens just to embezzle the public funds that is meant for all of us.
ETHNICITY AND TRIBALISM; the major problem faced by Africa I general in this 21st century is tribalism and nepotism, the best re being dumped for the fool all in the name of ethnicity and this has really cause a serious havoc to this nation at large. The principle should be one for all and all for one.
BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION; another major and chronic tribulation facing the political development of our nation is bribery and corruption. The integrity, virtue and moral principle that are needed to take our nation to the uppermost has been killed in the heart of the saviours 

Solutions to predicaments
INDEPENDENCE OF JUDICIARY; for a successful governance, TRUTH should be at stake, the judiciary should be at any time ready to perform their duties without any fear or favour  whenever the need arises.
PUBLIC OPINION; the opinion of the masses should be put to consideration by our political office holder, so as for them to know the feeling of the masses concerning their administration through this what they have fully done will be known and what they have to work harder on will be known also.
BEST; making use of the best in our various political offices will be profitable to this greatest nation, our political parties should abstain from making use of immature people in our politics and the citizen should open their eyes wider before casting their vote for anyone.
THE USE OF PROFESSIONALS; our politics should not be left for the jobless fellow in the nation, that is people without any knowledge or motive of ruling in a promising way but van only dismantle not make, people of high professional who are experienced and intelligent should be use in the day to day running of our various ministries in this nation.

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for we are the change that we seek”

Awojobi Martins Kayode

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