Saturday 14 November 2015

One Last Chance. Final Episode of Glass Mask

One last Chance
  He came back to the hospital the next day, stood at the door and saw the most unbelievable thing. His Mercy is alive, in fact not just alive but, completely strong and agile, he beamed with happiness and moved closer to her, and as he was about to hug her, she slapped him twice, and it became dawned on him that. This is his payback time, He simply allowed her to hurl insult at him, and when she finished. He knelt down at her feet and begged her for forgiveness, he beg her to love him again; but the angry Mercy must accept that offer to avoid making another mistake, and she did, she wants to hate him, but she has to fight back that urge to prevent losing him forever.
  Mercy went back to school, she has missed a lot and her final exam is in two week. But that's not a problem cause she is intelligent. After her last paper, she was literally free, Julian came to her school with rose, she was happy to see him, he brought a new car to her school has a gift to her, and when he gave her the key to the car, she beamed for joy ...
   Julian fulfilled his promise to God. He evangelise, attend church when it is time to. he became faithful to God and to Mercy.
  On Mercy's convocation day. Julian came and after the program, he asked her if they can go on a date that evening, and she agreed, they met at an expensive restaurant, after some chat between them. Julian proposed to her and asked If she will marry him, it was like a dream for mercy, except she has already anticipated it, she has no reason to reject the offer, she knew her dad won't oppose to it, She told him. I guess it is time for you to meet my dad, and he replied with a smile 😄, It is not a guess my dear, in fact I will make preparations for us to leave for Nigeria tomorrow😍👫. He took her home; As much as he wants to enter her room and lay on bed with her, he won't, cause what he will have full access to later, he does not need to rush to get it.
  The next day, they left for Nigeria in the afternoon and got to Nigeria the following day, Mercy's dad was pleased with her, cause she conquered in her Education, got a job already and she brought home a wonderful man that own a business firm already, they fix their wedding for December. On their wedding day👰, it was marvellous, exquisite, expensive  in fact there is none like it, her friends from Sweden came including Ezekiel, she apologised to Mercy and gave her an expensive present.
  On Mercy and Julian's wedding night, they argued about how many children they want to give birth to, and finally they conclude to Four, and being the first time for Mercy, he asked him to be gentle.
Julian treat Mercy like an Angel. For lot of reasons and for the fact that he will be the first man that will ever lay with her.😃. She deserves a  crown👸 he thought. He put off the Light.

      THE END
Special thanks to those who have been reading this glass mask from the beginning, for all your wonderful comment, and endurance. God will enlarge your coast, Mercy and Julian thank you to. They advise you to be determined like them. But don't be like them. Lot of Love.

Anticipate- Various other Stories, poem and Motivational write up from your. 3 in 1 Fiction and Non Fiction Writer Queenkemz. God bless you😄👏

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