Friday 5 February 2016

Episode 4 of AM I RIGHT OR WRONG?

Episode 4 of AM I RIGHT OR WRONG

  Am so sorry, it took me a long time to write to you,  it is hard for me to get over the shock of that day,  in case you are just reading my story for the first time,  let me brief you. My name is  Alison, i mistook lust for love,  was deprived of my dignity, and i decided to revenge by playing with their heart,  i tripled date three different guys from different department,  it was fun, not until one day. I was walking with the one i like the most, home after school,  some guys double crossed us, the leader was my boyfriend and one of is underlings is my other boyfriend,  and the one i was walking home with,  is the leader of another group,  and they have this inter group fight going on, the one i held hands with called his own underlings,  none of them noticed me, cause i wore a cap, and i wasn't the one they came for, in my life,  have never witnessed such a fight.
   Now i believe i can continue from were i stopped, i can never forget that day,  it was the most horrible moment of my life, i saw blood,  and lot of people venting their anger,  it never occurred to me that i should run,  until when,  one of the underlings of the one opposing the boyfriend i like the most sighted me and said '' You! Come here,  what are you looking at,  you are de.. " i did not wait for him to finish his statement, even though running to me,  is like death itself, cause, am allergic to running,  i ran, even,  i myself, had no idea,  i have so much running in me, in fact,  i outrun cars and my house that takes almost twenty minutes walking distance within a blink of an eye,  i reach my house, in 5 or so minute, (who has time to check time in the face of death) and as i stepped into my room,  i shut the door and collapsed.
  The next knock i will hear like this, shocked me,  i thought they traced me back home,  i picked my phone,  and the date i saw was surprising, the event happened on Thursday and we are on Sunday, so this literally means i have been asleep for over two days,  then i looked up, only to realise that i wasn't in my room, am in a hospital, collecting Drip, and the knock i thought i heard was a nurse,  i told her to come in,  she asked after my health,  i did not even answer her, i asked her,  how i got here, she told me, i was rushed by my hall mate,  who noticed how i rushed into my home,  and the house i thought i shut,  i only managed to close it before i collapsed, she then told me that, they checked my call log and they dialled the three number they saw there, because of the way i stored their names,  so they suspected that i was some one close to them. If you are wondering how my face was receiving that news. It was exactly like this😳😱. I wanted to scream, and tell her  these people you just called are capable of signing my death warrant. I wanted to scream so loud and, tell her, i will sue her for invading my privacy.  But i couldn't.  All that was on my mind was. How do i tell powerful guys like that. Am not doing again? 😢 😭
To read the previous episode for better understanding visit the link below
 Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
  Anticipate Episode 5 of Am i right or wrong.

By your amazing 3 in 1 Writer.  Queenkemz👸 ( O. A) TO READ NEWS AND MY OTHER WRITE UP.  VISIT LIKE AND COMMENT ON MY BLOG.

" Life Will only be fair to you.  Only if you are fair to it"😀

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