Friday 4 December 2015

He Deletes Me Everytime We Have Issues! - Romance

Been awake since 3am....trying to figure this out. Throwing it here might give me an answer to my disturbing questions. I hope the topic catches attention because I really need to read other people's opinion on this.

I'm 29 of age. I have a 41 years old guy whom I've introduce to my relatives and I've also met his. 

We've been seriously dating for the past 5 to 6 months and within that period, every time we have a slight misunderstanding, he deletes me from social media starting from BBM to Whatsap then to FBK.! So whenever we settles, he begs me to re-add him.

This is the 5th time he is deleting me again and this has started giving me concern. 

And I've started thinking that he's not right for me! Then what if I end up marrying him, any issues that comes up or we have slight misunderstanding, will he send me out of the house 

Please, guys, is this how your react to your woman? And why do you do that?

Ladies, have you ever experienced issues like this and how did u cope?

I'm confuse and I don't understand why an adult will be thinking or behalving like a kid!

Just want to be sure that it's a normal and general reaction guys exhibits when they are not happy at their woman otherwise, I will just be on my own. Because my common sense is telling me to run away from him!

Please, don't just view, kindly type in your opinion. I will appreciate them!

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