Wednesday 11 November 2015

What watching football with a girl is like-

Sometimes watching football with a girl could be very
stressful. Imagine this:
Girl: Derek, who's that guy. Is it Chris Brown?
Boy: No, that's Theo Walcott!!
Girl: Hey! Whats the yellow card for?
Boy: its a warning to a player; and red means the
player must stop playing and leave the pitch.
Girl: ohhhh! Its something similar to a traffic light:
Yellow - warning, Red - stop.
Boy: Yeah Yeah Sure.!
Girl: What about green card?
Boy: ohhh! There's nothing like that in football.
Girl: Which teams are these?
Boy: God! Its
Chelsea and Arsenal. What again!
Girl: ok ok ok! What colour is Arsenal putting on?
Boy: Arsenal plays in the red jersey.
Girl: ok... Which team are in blue?
Boy (upset).Chelsea.
Girl: Wow! I want Chelsea to win the world
Boy: This isn't the world cup.
Girl: Please who's that old man?
Boy: That's Arsenal's coach Arsene
Girl: ooh ok.... I understand now. So that means
Chelsea's coach is Chelsea Wenger?
Boy: Maybe we should just watch Animal Planet.

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