Tuesday 17 November 2015

The Ambassadors. Topic- "Rest"

The Ambassador (HEALTH)

Today we will be talking on "HOW TO LIVE A HEATHY LIFE".

The World Health Organization (W.H.O) holds that, one can be vibrant through out life, by following the acronym 'RED'.
Today we will be dwelling on the first Letter 'R' in the acronym, which stands for 'REST':
This is a total short down of the body. It is a state of unconsciousness where only the heart and the brain works. That is, you cannot be sitting in front of the TV or reading novels or Newspaper and assume you re resting. It is a state of total shut down for a specific period of time.
 More so, according to WHO, it is expedient (if you want to live a healthy and productive life) that you rest for at least nine(9) hours everyday(9/24); minimum of 1hour in the day and 8hrs in the night.

What are the health benefits of Rest in ensuring maximum productivity?
According to Alyssa Sparacino; sleep(or rest) helps to boost your mood or brandish under-eye circles. If your mood is not right, you may not be at your best for any examination or interview etc, as the case may be. Also, you have to understand yourself, like me, I know before I can read for a maximum of 2hrs at the library, I will have to rest for the first 20mins of getting to the library, then I can assimilate faster and understand better.

Furthermore, sleep improves your memory: Your mind is surprisingly busy while you snooze. During sleep you can strengthen memories or "practice" skills learned while you were awake (it is a process called desolation). If you are trying to learn something new, whether p it's physical or mental, you'all perform better after sleeping- Dr. David Rapoport (Associate Prof. At NYU Mendical Centre).
What are the dangers of lack of adequate rest?
We will be looking just two out of the numerous dangers of lack of rest, especially to youths.
Firstly, Lack of rest may cause "CHRONIC INSOMNIA" also known as 'trouble sleeping'.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which there is an inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep as long as desired. Chronic insomnia last for longer than a month. People with high levels of stress hormones of ships in the level of cytokines are more likely than others to have chronic insomnia. Effect; Muscular weariness, hallucination, mental fatigue, double vision, e.t.c

Secondly, lack of of adequate rest may result in "OBESITY".
Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems.
Therefore, lack of adequate rest may lead to a drop in the 'Leptin' level: Leptin is an hormone made by adipose cells that helps to regulate energy balance by inhibiting hunger . Leptin opposed by the actions of the hormone gherlin, 'the Hunger hormone' (Wikipedia). So when there is lack of sleep, the leptin level drops (Which helps to know when you should stop eating) and the hunger hormone increases, there by the individual develops a eating disorder, which in turn result to accumulated fat, and at long run result into Obesity.

Thank you dear friend, for reading this edition of THE AMBASSADORS article, please stay healthy and enjoy your day
Your coach- Ogundele Opeyemi David

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