Saturday 21 November 2015

The AMBASSADORS. Topic- is on Stress

The Ambassadors Today.  21/11/2015

A very good morning to you friends, and hope your are giving your health a well deserved attention? Welcome to another great edition of The Ambassadors Today, where your health is our concern.

Today we want to consider Stress Management, everyday we rush out of the house very early in the morning to meet up with the days activities, even without breakfast, and we come back late in the night weak, stressed out with a Junk filled stomach, and then we just sleep off in no time. This may be dangerous to our health and may shorten our life span. What is Stress?

Stress is simply a reaction to a stimulus that disturbs our mental or physical equilibrium. It is your body's way of responding to threat or challenges. A stressful event can trigger a 'fight-or- flight' response, causing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to surge through the body.

The more you often experience this symptoms of stress, the more likely stress is having a negative impact on your life. You may be feeling a certain way that you assume this is normal. Just listen to your body when it sends you signal symptoms.

Some Stress Symptoms; Headaches, Muscle Aches, Sleeping difficulty,Anxiety, Extreme tiredness(fatigue), Anger, Irritable/Irritated, Forgetfulness, weight loss, Nervousness,Frequent crying, Restlessness, fast heart beat e.t.c

- Never skip breakfast (Except when fasting)
- Accept the things you can't change
- Have positive attitude to stressful situations
- Focus on the positive aspect of life
- Avoid unnecessary stress - learn to say 'NO', to know your limit
- Delegate duties and monitor body
- Express your feelings, don't 'bottle up'
- Don't continue office work at home
- Share your feelings with trusted friends and therapist
- Exercise
- Make time for fun and relaxation ( All work-and-no-play...)
- Adapt a healthy life style. E.t.c

Always leave a stress free life, because you don't have a spear life, so don't over work this one.
Till I come your way again, keep on living healthy, for health is wealth. Your coach,

Ogundele Opeyemi David
CEO DynaTechConcept

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