Tuesday 27 October 2015

Pro and anti-hunt groups clash over report into effect of allowing full pack of hounds to flush fox to the gun

By WMNPBowern | Posted: October 28, 2015 Pro and anti-hunt groups clash over report into effect of allowing full pack of hounds to flush fox to the gun Foxes 'aren't a major risk to livestock' says new report Comments (0) A report commissioned by the League Against Cruel Sports claims to show that allowing hunts to use more than two hounds to flush a fox to the gun would ‘severely compromise’ fox welfare. The report, written by Professor Stephen Harris of Bristol University has been produced following Government attempts earlier this year to amend the law in England so that a full pack of hounds could find and flush foxes. The measure was put forward in response to calls from farmers, who need to control foxes on their land. They have repeatedly warned that the restrictions – under the 2004 Hunting Act – impeded their efforts to protect livestock. But a Commons vote to amend the law was withdrawn when it became clear Scottish nationalist MPs, who had been expected to abstain since the law would not apply in Scotland, instead decided to vote against the government. Ironically the change would have brought the law in England and Wales into line with Scotland. According to The League Against Cruel Sports the proposed amendments would "weaken the Hunting Act to such an extent that hunts would be able to revert to their pre-ban behaviour and cruelty to foxes would once again increase". The League also pointed to findings in Prof Harris’ report alleging that foxes were not a major predator of livestock. But Tim Bonner, chief executive of the pro-hunt Countryside Alliance, rejected the report’s findings and said the document “contains no new research.” He went on: “The fact remains that governments from both sides of the border accept that farmers should be able to control fox populations and a number of methods, including shooting and snaring remain legal. Professor Harris is flying in the face of all common sense when he suggests that foxes do not predate livestock. “We believe that farmers and landowners should have the best options for wildlife management and this includes amending the Hunting Act to allow the use of more than two hounds where the terrains demands it. “It seems curious that the League Against Cruel Sports appears to be now calling into the question the necessity of the exemptions they themselves promoted and supported as part of the Hunting Act.” Tom Quinn, Campaigns Director for League Against Cruel Sports said: “Professor Harris provides solid scientific evidence that there would be serious welfare consequences for foxes if the government amended the Hunting Act to bring it into line with Scottish anti-hunting laws. “The government is trying to present an increase in the number of dogs allowed to flush a fox to guns as a good thing. But the research shows that this would be a backward step and just a cynical sop to the pro-hunt lobby to re-introduce traditional hunting via the back door.” Professor Harris says in his report that packs of dogs are difficult if not impossible to control in dense cover, and this has a number of welfare consequences. Foxes find it harder to evade the hounds and they are often caught and killed by the hounds or driven to ground. He wrote: “Using two hounds to flush foxes is likely to ensure higher levels of welfare, since the hounds are easier to control, and flushing a fox more slowly reduces the risk that it will be wounded rather than killed by the waiting guns.” The Conservatives promised in their 2015 manifesto to allow a free vote in the Commons to repeal the hunt ban and put foward the change to the two dogs rule as a halfway house in advance of full repeal. The intervention of the Scottish Nationalist MPs – primarily to make life difficult for David Cameron – has effectively stymied any attempt to change the law on hunting for the time being. Report this article Sponsored Links FROM THE WEB Can You Recognize These Stars Who Have Aged Horribly? SportFluff Which Countries Provide the Best Medical Treatment Medical Tourism So You Want to Sweat? 8 Life Hacks for Staying Fit with MS Living Like You by Novartis The Top 20 baby names of 2016. 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