Wednesday 28 October 2015



Soldiers go, soldiers come but actually the barrack has never been relocated so also to the various higher institutions of learning in this Nation, students go, students come but school still remains the same though the name of the school might have changed but the inborn characters in the lives of the students will never change either for good or for better. Higher institution; a heaven of commotion, the topic might sound paradoxical in your ears but the right way to describe Higher institution in this period of ours is HEAVEN, heaven as it is used in the topic might be a confusing matter in the hearts of many readers and listeners but the heaven in which I’m factually referring to here is “free world”.  We all know or we might have heard that heaven is a place of joy, allocation of happiness, a place of choice, and of unending enjoyment in which you are at liberty to do and undo after you have struggled here on earth, so also is higher institution.
Higher institution without mincing words, is a place of joy, an environment of choice, and also a world of wisdom; being under the directions and guidance of parents is the earth in which we all struggle to make heaven which is higher institution, during these earthly days, children will always want to serve their respective parents in a way that  is wonderful, they obey them and give them respect even if it is not from the bottom of their hearts but they only do that just to get an entrance to the “heaven of commotion”. On getting to the heaven of choice, joy and attires, what becomes of them?

Indecency; in this modern world of ours, indecent dressing is so  much rampant both in the midst of guys and in the midst of ladies but mind you the ladies take the upper hand when it actually comes to indecency. Nowadays in our various higher institutions, there are a lot of nudity of natural configuration, several kinds of inert structure in open contest and several kinds of attires have been in vogue and every student wants to be noticed in those attires. Sentiment apart, indecency has been a thing of rage in the higher institution of learning and all the steps taken to shun this has always been proved abortive. Truly it’s a heaven of commotion.
Moral decadence; so to say, they said laxity begins at home but after the child has been taught in a rightful way and he or she leaves the father and mother graduating to heaven of commotion what becomes of him or her? MORAL DECADENCE. Morals in our institutes of learning has been buried into an unknown grave that can never be located and the heavenly angels are living a life full of decadences and delinquencies. What a commotion in heaven.
Cultism; this has been the greatest grand father of all other commotion that have been enumerated. The issue of cultism has been in existence subsequently from the inception of higher institution and there is no higher institution that is free from this commotion regardless of the background of the institution. Cultism as so called is a major causative agent of commotion in the heaven of higher institution.
Examination malpractices; despite all the consequences bestowed upon examination malpractice, students never flee from it, even some students even refer to it as the most easiest way to exceeding success in heaven but I also refer to it as the quickest and simplest route to destruction of God imbedded destiny. Through exam malpractices a lot of lives have been disorganized series of incomparable talents have been dismantled. It is quite provocative that despite all the punishments placed on this recurring issue students never detest from it. What a heaven of choice.

Truth is stranger than fiction but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn’t. What has become of me in the heaven of commotion? What will become of you in the heaven of commotion? A word is enough for the wise to fill up gaps.

I’m for truth, no matter who tells it, I’m for justice, no matter who it is FOR or AGAINST. I’m a human being, first and foremost and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says……..”    

Awojobi martins๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“

1 comment:

  1. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says……..”

    Good bless your thinking thing
