Wednesday 28 October 2015

A Chance Lost might never be Regain. Episode 6 of glass mask series

A Chance lose might never be regain
   Julian has been sad ever since he met Mercy, and more sad because he has not been seeing her around, he wished mercy can at least accept him the way he is, even though he kept one secret from her, or should I say, mercy has not been around to know about the latest update about him.
   When Julian will need Mercy the most, for her to at least be there to support him and tell him, he will be alright, In fact her presence alone will be enough, at least that will give him enough strength to go ahead with the surgery. that will be done the next month for his eyes.
   Mercy saw a handsome guy, named Ezekiel in her school, that is the first time, she will sight a Nigerian guy in her school, not that she has not been seeing Nigerian guys, but this is her first time, to finally notice one, after she has already made up her mind, to leave Julian to his faith, little did she know that , A chance lost might never be regain.
   Ezekiel was Prank by his friends to   know whether he can be in a relationship with her and if she accept, he is to date her, for a month, because they claim that mercy, has no time and she ignores all the guys that proposed to her in School.
  The one thing, Ezekiel loves the most is challenge, he can go to any length to fulfil it. He saw Mercy in school, and he approached her. they both introduce themselves, and he ask if they can be friends. Mercy was disappointed and also pleased that, he didn't proposed to her, but a part of her wish he did.
   Ezekiel did a lot of things to please her, he gave her privacy, when she needed it, buy her gift to school every day, and became her confidant.
   Mercy tells Ezekiel about her, but left Julian's part of the story, she is already falling for him; at least, that is what she thought, after two weeks of them being friends, Ezekiel made a huge grand proposal to her, in their lecture Hall, she was short of words, after two minutes, when every one was already starring at her, was when she realised that she has not given her reply yet. That Yes word, she was about to say, she wished it could be directed to Julian instead, she wept. forgetting that they are still in the Hall, when the thought of him came to her mind, she knew she betrayed Julian. If only she knew that the blind Sight will  soon see light. She has the chance and the opportunity already, all she needed to do was accept and be there for him, when he needed her the most and they can both share in his light if the surgery is successful. Who knows if the word she will soon be saying is . HOW I WISH?
  Who will Wish. Is it EZEKIEL- that he shouldn't have pretended to love Mercy
Or Mercy- That she shouldn't have abandoned Julian
Or Julian- that mercy should be there in the hospital with him.
  Trust me. You can't guess. Unless you sit tight AND

            ANTICIPATE- Part 7
        How I wish

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